BCS PRELI : English Literature

Authors, Books & Articles
Previous Year Question Analysis
#   Who wrote the two famous novels, 'David Copperfield' and 'The Tale of Two Cities'- Charles Dickens [29th BCS]
#   Who wrote the plays 'The Tempest' and 'The Mid Summer Night's Dream'? -William Shakespeare [29th BCS; 15th BCS]
#   Who did write first English dictionary- Samuel Johnson [28th BCS]
#   'Animal Farm' was written by- George Orwell [10th BCS; 28th BCS]
#   Shakespeare is known mostly for his-plays [16th BCS]
#   Which of the following school of literary writings is connected with a medical theory-? (Comedy of Humours) [15the BCS]
#   Who of the following was both a poet and painter? (Blake) [15th BCS]
#   What is the full name of the great American short story writer O'Henry? (William Sydney Porter) [14th BCS]
#   The Rainbow' is - a novel by D. H. Lawrence [13th BCS]
#   The literary work 'Kublai Khan' is- a verse by Coleridge [13th BCS]
#   Ã”Caesar and Cleopatra' is- a play By G. B. Shaw [12th BCS]
#   Who is the greatest modern English dramatist? (George Bernard Shaw) [12th BCS]
#   Who is the author of 'A Farewell to Arms'- Ernest Hemingway [12th BCS; 10th BCS]
#   Who is the author of 'For Whom the Bell Tolls'- Ernest Hemingway [11th BCS]
Some Other Important Questions
#   "Gulliver's Travels" has been written by - Jonathan Swift
#   The drama 'Hamlet' is written by- Shakespeare
#   'Faerie Queene' is- an epic by Edmund Spenser
#   The "Merchant of Venice" written by Shakespeare is- a drama
#   Who wrote "The Tempest"? - William Shakespeare
#   A thing of beauty is a joy for ever' was stated by- John Keats
#   'Paradise Lost' was written by- Milton
#   Choose the right answer: Chaucer is the representative poet of - 14th century
#  The music in my heart I bore Long after it was heard no more.' These lines are from the poem- Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats.
#   Ã”Macbeth' is - a play by Shakespeare.
#   'Vanity Fair' is a- novel.
#   P. B. Shelley is known as- Poet of beauty.
#   'The Merchant of Venice' written by Shakespeare is- a drama.
#   'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner' is a- poem by S.T. Coleridge.
Periods of English Literature
Anglo Saxon Period or Old English Period
Middle English Period
Anglo Norman Period
The Age of Chaucer
Barren Age
The Renaissance
Preparation for the Renaissance
Elizabethan Age
Jacobean Age
Caroline Age
Commonwealth Period
Puritan Period
The Neoclassical Period
The Restoration Period
The Augustan Age (Age of Pope)
The Age of Sensibility (Age of Johnson)
The Romantic Period
The Victorian  Period
The Edwardian Period
The Georgian Period
The Modern Period

Books & Authors
Adlof Hitler
Mein Kampf
Alexander Pope
The Rape of the Lock, The Dunciad
Anthony Mascarenhas
The Rape of Bangladesh
Alfred Tennyson    
In Memoriam, The Lady of Shalott, Idylls of the King, Ulysses
Andrew Marvell
The Garden
Politics, Poetics
Bertrand Russel
Marriage and Morals, The Impact of Science upon Society
Charles Darwin
Origin of Species, Descent of Man
Charles Dickens
The Tale of Two Cities, Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, The Pickwick Paper, Great Expectations
Christopher Marlowe
Dr. Faustus, The Jew of Malta, Tamburlaine the Great
Daniel Defoe           
Robinson Crusoe, Moll Flanders
E.M. Foster            
A Passage to India, Longest Journey
Edger Allan Poe      
The Raven
Ernest Hemingway
A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea, For Whom the Bell Tolls, The Sun also Rises
Francis Bacon         
Novum Organum
G.B. Shaw
Caesar and Cleopatra, Arms and the Man, Man and Superman, Doctor's Dilemma
H.G. Wells
The Time Machine
Odessey, Illiad
Jane Austen            
Pride and Prejudice
John Keats
Ode to Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Um, Ode to Autumn
John Milton
Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained
Jonathan Swift        
Gulliver's Travels
Karl Marx
Das Capital, Communist Manifesto
Lord Byron
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, Don Juan, The Vision of Judgment
Mahatma Gandhi
My Experiments with Truth
Nelson Mandela
A Long Walk to Freedom
Oscar Wilde
A Woman of no Importance
P.B. Shelley
Adonais, Ode to the West wind, To a Skylark, Ozymandia
Robert Browning
The Patriot
Sachin Tendulkar
Playing It my Way
Salman Rushdie
Midnight's Children, The Satanic Verses
S.T. Coleridge
The Rhyme of Ancient Mariner, Kublai Khan, Christabel
Stephen Hawking
A Brief History of Time, Starmus 50 Years of man in Space
T. S. Eliot
The Waste Land, Four Quartets
William Shakespeare
Mid Summer Night's Dream, The Tempest, As You Like It, Merchant of Venice, Julius Caesar, Comedy of Enors, The Taming of the Shrew, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Antony and Cleopatra
W. Somerset Maugham
Of Human Bondage, The Moon and Sixpence

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